
Fleeting short posts.

  • I heard my heart call my name,
    and invite me to meet myself.
    Afraid to know what I might find,
    I hid myself with busyness.

    Again my heart invited me in
    to the presence of I am,
    and still I would not know me
    for fear I’d be disappointing.

    Another gentle entreaty came
    from my heart so patient.
    This time I was willing to face myself and see what needed seeing.

    At first I looked with judgment in my eyes, and didn’t like me.
    My heart reminded me to look with Love, and then I met the real me.
  • Accept your flaws and imperfections. You are a work in progress. Always.

  • My Mexican immigrant experience means visiting relatives in México and being told “habla español bien”, and being called gringo. 😒

    Primo, hablo tres idiomas y tú apenas puedes con uno.

    This is my least favorite part of visiting relatives in México. 😒

  • Gratitude becomes Glorification when you selectively remember the past.

    This is the nature of Thanksgiving.

    A glorification of colonization, ethnic cleansing, and genocide of the Native peoples.

    A whitewashed myth that pretends history on this land began when the colonizer arrived.

    Gratitude becomes Genuine when it acknowledges and honors the past in full.

    Genuine Gratitude listens to the pain of the past, centers the harmed, and seeks to repair.

    May we practice Genuine Gratitude.

  • When they tell me to smile for the photo.

  • The way I’m invested in some of you and your lives…parasocial much? 😅

    But also, I’m rooting for you, sad with you, angry for you, and wishing you all the good things.

    My life and world are better just knowing you exist. Thank you for being you! 🙏🏽💛🙏🏽

  • When I bought the original Xbox and setup my first gamertag, I chose 1UpUranus because when I played Halo multiplayer and eliminated someone, the kill feed on their screen would say: “…Killed by 1UpUranus”. 😂

    I had that gamertag for years until one sad day someone must have reported it as inappropriate and Microsoft made me change it. 😔

  • My parents have been married for 43 years, and it’s so cute to watch them flirt with each other. 🥰

  • I started watching the first season of Re:Zero last night. Hadn’t seen it before.

    Every episode so far has me heartbroken and crying.

    Every. Episode. 😭😭😭

  • Life is about learning to dance between the light and the darkness, the know and the unknown, the certain and the uncertain.